By 1988, with the release of his hit album Don't Be Cruel, Bobby Brown was no longer a new edition to the music scene. Having departed his colleagues Bel, Biv, and even Devoe, Brown found himself reaching a new level of national stardom as a solo artist. With the making of 1989's Ghostbuster's II, Brown decided to expand his prerogative. Seeing a chance to secure his position as an artist and at the same time, help boost his street cred, Brown did the only thing natural and laid down the groove. No longer would he simply be busting moves on stage - now he would also be busting ghosts via his lyrical wit. I guess you could almost say he decided to take a risk and "cross the streams." His contribution to the soundtrack, 'On Our Own', became the main theme to the film, and contained such insightful rhymes as these:
Too hot to handle, too cold to hold
They're called the Ghostbusters and they're in control
Had 'em throwin' a party for a bunch of children
While all the while the slime was under the building
So they packed up their group, got a grip, came equipped
Grabbed the proton packs off their back and they split
Found about Vigo, the master of evil
Try to battle my boys? That's not legal

Bobby Brown remained a national treasure well into the early nineties, but his music career slowly fell apart after he started 'humpin around' in 1992. He later regained his infamous persona through the media's attention to his numerous drug accusations and spousal conflicts with wife, Whitney Houston. But way back in 1989, a much simpler time, taking down ghosts and drinking Ecto Cooler was all that really mattered.
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